Mind the Gap: A Closer Look at the A&P Falmouth Crane Collapse

The A&P Falmouth crane collapse in 2017 exposes the harsh reality of the critical gap between assessment and action when it comes to safety. While the incident thankfully resulted in no injuries, the potential consequences were severe, with at least 258 people put at risk.


The Collapse

A crane at A&P Falmouth collapsed onto the dockside, narrowly missing a ship. The crane operator’s swift response in moving the crane away from ship RFA Tidesprings and over the dockside before it collapsed prevented a potentially catastrophic accident. A&P Falmouth have now been served with a fine to the tune of £750,000 plus costs.

The Gap - Potential Factors

  • Cost Factors: The company may have hesitated to invest in repairs due to financial constraints.

  • Misjudgment of Severity: A&P Falmouth might have underestimated the potential consequences of the defects.

  • Operational Challenges: Taking the crane out of service could have caused disruptions to operations.

  • Communication Breakdown: There might have been a lack of clarity or coordination between different teams.

  • Internal Safety Culture: The company's safety culture may not have prioritized the timely resolution of identified risks.


Sound Familiar?

The gap between assessment and action is a pervasive challenge in safety management. As the A&P Falmouth crane collapse demonstrates, even when risks are identified, inaction can lead to severe consequences. To address this issue, organizations must explore innovative solutions like digitalized Control of Work systems.

The Role of Digitalized Control of Work

A digitalized Control of Work (CoW) system could have helped prevent this incident by:

  • Centralizing Records: Providing a centralized platform for storing and tracking inspection reports, maintenance records, and safety documentation.

  • Automating Work Permits: Ensuring that all necessary approvals are obtained before work begins.

  • Real-time Monitoring: Enabling real-time monitoring of equipment health and performance.

  • Improving Communication: Facilitating better communication between different teams involved in the control of work.

  • Data Analysis: Providing valuable insights into equipment performance, safety trends, and potential hazards.


The A&P Falmouth crane collapse underscores the critical importance of bridging the gap between assessment and action in safety management. By implementing digitalized Control of Work systems and investing in proactive risk management practices, organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of similar incidents and create a safer working environment.

Don't wait for an incident to take action. The A&P Falmouth crane collapse underscores the critical importance of bridging the gap between safety assessments and corrective actions.

Are any of these factors preventing you from taking the necessary steps?

  • Financial Constraints

  • Underestimation of Risk

  • Operational Challenges

  • Communication Breakdown

  • Internal Safety Culture

Leverage the power of digitalized Control of Work systems to overcome these obstacles.

Schedule a free consultation today. We'll guide you through the planning process and help you choose the EHS software that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems and regulations, ensuring a safer work environment for your employees.

Together, let's turn your H&S program from reactive to proactive by closing the gap between assessment and action.

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